Infectious Disease Scientific Posters
Prevalence of major enteric pathogens in Turkish dairy calves.
D.Palavan Ozkan, B.Bozyegit, S.Simsek
Cryptosporidium spp. and Rotavirus are the predominant agents causing neonatal diarrhea in Turkish dairy herds located in Aegean, Mediterranean, Southeast Anatolia, Central Anatolia and Marmara. Effective control and prevention of these pathogens should be the major focus points in the herds to reduce the prevalence of diarrhea.
Case reports – Mannheimia haemolytica in dairy cows
K.Stemme, E.Thesing, D.Schäfer, S.Marquard
M. haemolytica can infect dairy cows and cause severe economic losses due to substantial drop in milk production or even sudden death of diseased animals. Vaccination with Bovilis® Bovipast® RSP can protect a herd, especially if new animals are entering the farm regularly.
A parainfluenza 3 virus outbreak on a Dutch Veal Farm
H.Kuijk, H.Kleinjan, R.Tolboom, G.Vertenten
Vaccination against PI3 virus could have reduced the complications and potential losses of a BRD outbreak and improved the wellbeing of the animals on this farm.
Molecular typing of Mannheimia haemolytica isolates from UK cattle surveillance submissions
C.Mason, J.Errington, G.Foster, J.Thacker, O.Grace, K.Baxter-Smith
M. haemolytica serotype A1 was the most common serotype in this UK sample set, with 30% of samples containing serotype A2 and 18% serotype A6. Not all vaccines against M. haemolytica cover all these major serovars which needs to be taken into consideration when designing the appropriate vaccination programme.
Metaphylaxis with tildipirosin did not alter the effectiveness of an experimental, monovalent vaccine of live, attenuated Mannheimia haemolytica administered intranasally to calves
S.Nordstrom, M.Bolton, K.Hill, T.Parks, J.Knittel, M.Vaidyanathan, K.Lechtenburg
Under the conditions of this study, VAX (IN) administered concurrently with tildipirosin (SC) was proven efficacious after an M. haemolytica challenge.
Practical use of thoracic ultrasonography at feedlot arrival to identify high-risk BRD batches in suckler calves
Carolina Tejero, Laura Elvira, Javier Lillo, Lorenzo Fraile
Thoracic Ultrasound of a sample of calves at arrival may be a useful tool to identify high-risk BRD batches where metaphylactic treatment is justified, for a more rational use of antibiotics in the veal industry.
Use of quantitative serology as a new practical tool for veterinarians to follow up BVD status on vaccinated farms
C.Carbonell, R.Ambroggio, R.Conde, M.Álvarez, L.Elvira
Quantitative assay of antibodies directed against protein 80 of BVDV are a useful tool helping assess and interpret the BVD status in herds vaccinated with inactivated BVD vaccines.
Comparison between thoracic ultrasonography and visual observation for the detection of BRD in veal calves
Tejero C, Lillo J, Arnau E, Elvira L
Thoracic Ultrasonography can be used as a reference
technique for BRD diagnosis. Clinical diagnosis by trained
observers can be used as a screening technique improving
their sensitivity and specificity.
Pasteurella multocida, Mannheimia haemolytica and Bovine Coronavirus are the most frequently detected respiratory pathogens from bronchoalveolar lavages in Dutch dairy BRD calves.
H.Kuijk, P.Penterman, G.Vertenten
The most frequently detected respiratory pathogens from dairy calves suffering from Bovine Respiratory Disease are Pasteurella multocida, Mannheimia haemolytica and Bovine Coronavirus.
Are Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus (BRSV) vaccine strains still aligned with circulating BRSV field strains ?
E.Salem, G.Vertenten, B.Makoschey
BRSV is constantly evolving throughout the years. Despite this, the vaccine strains present in Bovilis® Bovipast® RSP and Bovilis® INtranasal RSP® Live still belong to the same genetic group as the predominant strains currently circulating in the field.
Identification of BRD antibodies to install a tailor-made BRD Prevention Plan on Dutch dairy farms
H.Kuijk, H.Swam, P.Penterman, G.Vertenten
Veterinarians can implement a practical, tailor-made management and vaccination program to reduce BRD related losses and to promote BRD vaccination amongst farmers.
Clinical Disease and Histopathology Associated with Respiratory Infection by Bovine Coronavirus
K.Soules, M.Rahe, L.Purtle, C.Moeckly, P.Stark, C.Samson, J.Knittel, B.Makoschey
An experimental challenge with bovine coronavirus only, generated evidence that it may result in respiratory infections in cattle with histopathological lesions and clinical signs.
Prevalence of respiratory pathogens on Danish cattle farms
Katja Mikkelsen, Liff Nielsen, Geert Vertenten
Pathogens circulating on Danish BRD problem farms were in most cases (82%) co-infections of M. haemolytica and other bacteria and viruses.
Real time PCR (RT-PCR) in pooled blood samples as an economical monitoring technique in cattle populations with low Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus (BVDV) prevalence.
H.Ün, M.Gökçe, O.Ayaz, S.Şimşek, O.Karabulut
BVDV monitoring by sample pooling and real time RT-PCR can be done very economically when the disease prevalence is low (<10%).
Prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility of BRD pathogens isolated from cattle with respiratory disease during over 10-years of supported testing program in Germany
K.Stemme, E.Thesing, M.Resch
P. multocida was the most prevalent bacterium isolated from the lower respiratory tract of calves with respiratory disease during
the period of 2009 – 2021 in Germany. However, M. haemolytica
prevalence of up to 30% was found in certain years.
Prevalence, biosecurity and risk management of Bovine Coronavirus infections on dairy farms in Europe.
Anna Catharina Berge, Geert Vertenten
Bovine Coronavirus (BCoV) is commonly present in both the respiratory and enteric pathway in the dairy cattle population in Europe.
Pathogen-specific prevalence and pathogen associations during outbreaks of Bovine Respiratory Disease in calves in Flanders
G. Hoflack, M. Lebrun, G. Vertenten, B. Sustronck
BRSV and Bovine Coronavirus were the most frequently isolated
viral pathogens, acting predominantly as single viral agents.
Season influenced the frequency of BRSV and M. haemolytica
isolation with higher risk of disease in winter and spring.