Education in Ruminant Veterinary Medicine & Production
Comparison of two recombinant bovine somatotropin products on milk yield and metabolic parameters
M.C.N. Araújo¹, R.S. Teixeira¹, L.A.M. Duarte¹, M.L. Santos¹, A.A. Barbosa¹, V. M. Honório³, P.R. Fernandez4, F.A.B. Del Pino¹, R. Almeida², M.N. Corrêa¹
Cows in the “rbST-Fast” group showed significantly higher milk yield and serum NEFA concentrations as compared to the cows in the “rbST-Slow” group.
A blended learning intervention using an online conversation training tool improves veterinarians’ communication with dairy producers
L. Dorrestein1, H.W. Barkema1, G. Vertenten2, C. Ritter3
Effects of communication training on dairy veterinarians’ use of communication tools when gathering and providing information
L. Dorrestein1, C. Ritter2, J.M. De Jonge3, G. Vertenten4, H.W. Barkema1
Effects of communication training on veterinarians’ motivational interviewing adherent and non-adherent behavior assessed by dairy herd health recordings
Linda Dorrestein1, Caroline Ritter2, Jannet M. de Jonge3, Geert Vertenten4, Herman W. Barkema1
Motivational Interviewing Behavior: Training did not seem to change global scores on Partnership, Empathy and Listening, but had a possible effect on MI adherent and MI non-adherent behavior. Application of high-level MI skills post intervention is promising.
What is the difference in bovine vets’ consultancy skills between countries?
Jolanda Jansen1, Quintie Stoel1, Tessa Plagis1, Geert Vertenten2, Klaas Okkinga3
The Veterinary Dialogue Trainer, a virtual roleplaying game, could be an effective way to measure and train skills in various countries.
When fist time playing the game participants score on average 37%, indicating room for improvement of bovine vets’ communication skills.