Herd Health Management Scientific Posters
Cost-benefit analysis of vaccination against Bovine Respiratory Disease
B.Van Den Borne, G.Vertenten, R.Lavan, H.Hogeveen
In this bio-economic simulation study young stock vaccination against BRD was economically beneficial in dairy herds.
Evaluation of Failure of Passive Transfer in neonatal dairy calves in the Netherlands.
P.Penterman, R.Tolboom, G.Vertenten
Depending on the threshold used, 21% to 44% percent of neonatal calves experienced Failure of Passive Transfer. There is still a considerable opportunity to improve the colostrum management practices on Dutch dairy farms.
Cow behavior predicts and monitors calving diseases.
Eran Friedman, Doron Bar, Rotem Rabinovich, Johan De Meulemeester
Early identification and treatment of cows developing post-calving or periparturient disorders should improve cow welfare and farm profitability. Identification and management of such cows is challenging for the veterinary practitioner but analyzing herd cow’s behavior during the transition period, might provide insight into deficiencies and serve as a tool to monitor improvements.
Can an ATP bioluminescence meter be used as a cow-side tool for the evaluation of bacterial contamination of bovine colostrum?
G.Hoflack, P.Penterman, G.Vertenten, B.Sustronck
ATP bioluminescence measurements of colostrum cannot
be used to evaluate the hygiene of the procedures applied
during the collection, storage, and administration of
bovine colostrum.
Comparative case of Automated Health Monitoring and Health Scoring systems for dairy suckling calves
E.Friedman, D.Zahavi, D.Navon, E.Schreiber, H.Wile, B.Kreuscher, J.Campillo
Results indicate that AMS (Sensehub® Dairy) can be used as
an efficient solution for health screening assistant, enabling to
reduce the dependency on skilled labour. The Health Index value
refl ects the calf’s disease severity. Thus, providing another tool
to improve health management and decision making.
Is Brix refractometry an appropriate on-farm tool for measuring the IgG concentration in colostrum of Belgian Blue cows?
G.Hoflack, P.Penterman, G.Vertenten, B.Sustronck
Above 85% of the colostrum samples from Belgian Blue
cows fulfilled the requirements for high-quality colostrum,
suitable for administration to new-born calves. Brix
refractometry seems inaccurate for the assessment of
colostral IgG concentration in Belgian Blue cow.
Dutch HF cow colostrum quality based on IgG concentration and total bacterial cell count
P.Penterman, G.Hoflack, G.Vertenten, F.Van Hagen, W.Schaap, B.Sustronck
This field study indicates that the colostrum quality of
Dutch HF cows in general is variable and rather poor,
with nearly 40% of all samples not meeting the minimal
requirements for good-quality colostrum.
Evaluation of IgG concentration and bacterial load of bovine colostrum in the Benelux region
P.Penterman, G.Hoflack, G.Vertenten, B.Sustronck
The quality of bovine colostrum in the Benelux region can
be improved, as around 25% of the colostrum samples
were classified as inadequate to be fed to newborn calves.
Bayesian latent class analysis of the characteristics of three diagnostic tests to assess the passive immunity transfer status in neonatal dairy calves
G.Hoflack, M.Lebrun, B.Sustronck, G.Vertenten, B.Pardon
The brix refractometry method (applying a cut-off value of 8.3%
brix) provided the best characteristics for the evaluation of Failure
of Passive Transfer in neonatal calves. The highest Negative
Predictive Value was recorded for the serum electrophoresis
using a cut-off value of 12g/L of gamma-globulins.
Changing the Course of Fresh Cows by Using Objective Monitoring
T.Towns, B.Kreuscher, J.Campillo
The implementation of an AMS in an intensive US dairy farm to
assess postpartum cow health provided important productive and
health benefits over a visual observation. The results indicated an
improvement in daily milk yield by 2,1 L per cow and a reduction in
the % of ≥2 lactation cows that did not reach 27L at week 4.
Use of an automated monitoring system to assess rumination time and activity patterns in cows with metritis
A.De Carvalho, B.Barcelos, D.Barbosa Alves Antonio, J.Swinkels, C.De Carvalho Fernandes
Cows that develop early postpartum metritis exhibit lower
rumination time and decreased activity pattern than cows with
no uterine conditions. Moreover, animals, in which the short
antibiotic treatment did not lead to a clinical improvement,
showed more pronounced deviation in the monitored variables.